Whirlpool - Sears - Samsung - Amana - LG - Maytag - GE
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If, within 90 days from the date of your repair, your appliance fails to operate for reasons related to the original repair made, we will replace those parts that failed due to defects in material or workmanship. Your satisfaction is guaranteed.
Washer won’t spin? Washing machine won’t drain? Does your washer never stop filling? Does it quit in the middle of a cycle? Is your washer not getting any power to it? Does it leak water all over the floor? Are you getting fault codes on your front load washer? These are just a few of the more common questions about washers these days and signs you need washer repair.
Dryer won’t get hot? Does your dryer drum no longer turn? Does your dryer make a squealing noise or screeching noise. Are your clothes taking forever to dry? Is your dryer giving you a fault code, error code or F code? These are very common problems with all dryers today and a sign you may need dryer repair.
Our goal at Rapid Appliance Repair is to give you the best and most reliable local appliance repair service. We have extensive knowledge and are always learning new things because we keep up with the trends of electronics and that allows us to improve our standards while listening to what our customers are saying. Our appliance repair service is unique and has given us a spot at the top of the industry. We always make sure to have a positive impact on our clients’ lives. Our specialty is the repair of residential appliances. The commitment to you is to leave you satisfied with every job from the moment you hire us to the moment that the job is finished, so call us today.
Dryer Service
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Whirlpool - Sears - Samsung Amana - LG - Maytag - GE-Roper
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Washer Service